
Be Free to Be u

Blog Archive

Friday, January 14, 2011

From uCampers to uStaff, we Thank You!!!

Helloooo everyone!!!!!  Year round we receive emails from uCampers to uStaff.  Here are just a few for your blogging entertainment!! :)

Camille Steens

I just wanted to say that I have arrived safely back in Holland. I miss you all very much though!

And thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I could fill up a whole page with that word, but still it wouldn't express enough how much the last two weeks have meant to me.

Bald-E, you have taught me so much about myself, about life and of course about being a leader and a counselor. I can't thank you enough!

I really want to thank Giggles too, for being an awesome counselor the second week and helping me be a good LIT.

And thanks everyone for bringing all those awesome uCampers together and creating a place so special that it changes your life. I feel like I have become a more loving person thanks to you.

Lots of love,

Camille Steens 
Bald E
Way Chen

Dear uCamps staff,
Each year I've come to camp, I would say it was my favorite year. Every year you offer something awesome and new that amazes me.  I'm writing this because you deserve much more gratitude than a small note on a thank you card. Honestly, I can say that this camp has changed my life completely. SDC is where I started dancing, which is my life's passion now. It's where I opened up to new people and started being more outgoing. It's where I met some of my lifelong friends. And most importantly, it's where I learned to LOVE. This emotion that we all share is so accepting and supportive. Back when I couldn't dance for beans, Workshop Leader, Pitah Bread, supported me with LOVE and acceptance in his Krumping Workshop. No one laughed at me or put me down. And that's what kept me going. And that's what kept everyone else going. SDC is the birthplace of raw talent. I mean look at Kylie Rothfield! I am amazed by the growth, talent and the ambition of these campers. What sets the difference from this camp and others is the LOVE. When I cried during the first week's candlelight ceremony, I realized how important this camp is to me. I cried because I knew when I went home, the love wouldn't be there anymore. Sure, there would be love, but not the SDC kind of love. I try to bring it to my school and daily life as much as possible; but I still miss camp. I wanted to thank you for bringing me this far: Helping me grow through dance and the Rockstar program. Teaching me how to be loving and accepting. Allowing me to teach, share my love of dance, and inspire others. Each and every one of you is an undetachable part of this camp. Keep doing what you're doing because there are hundreds of other campers who share the same love for this camp; or what I call my second home.

With all the love from the bottom of my heart,
        Way Chen =)
Krumping Workshop: Original SDC 2008

Stephanie Parker
I went to uCamps SoCal and that was my first time with uCamps. So, I was in the choreographed theater workshop with Skillet and Tiny and all week there were complications like people dropping out and the group was already really small so we had to change our choreography and our lines weren’t fully memorized. When performance night arrived, the four of us were really nervous but we went up there and performed it with no errors! We even got a standing ovation! The thing that made it so wonderful was not only that, but the script was about how art affects our lives so everyone could really relate. (: And that’s just one of the many wonderful moments.  Don’t even get me started on uKindergarten because performing that at campfire as a kindergarten version of Sushi was hilarious and amazing.♥ 



Skillet and Stephanie

Thanks for reading!!!!! Have something you would like to share?? Send us YOUR uCamps Blog submissions!!! Tell us what's new with you or your favorite camp memory! Written a poem recently that you wanna share? Have recent Videos of your uCamps inspired Music, Singing, Dancing, Acting, etc! Email them to info@uCamps.org or send them through FB Messaging at www.facebook.com/uCamps!


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