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Thursday, December 15, 2011

4th Annual Winter Break Camp is HERE!!!

December 27th-December 31st!!
Our 4th Annual Winter Break Camp is approaching!!!! We could not be more excited to end 2011 with all of you!!

Zula, Eugie, Darvius, Bald E and Awkward at the Premiere!
The USC screening of the film 'Cyberbullied' was a huge success and we were THRILLED to see so many members of our uCamps family there.

The film won't be out until next Spring, but there will be an exclusive uCamps screening at Winter Camp!!! 

If you want to be a part of this special screening and have the week of your life, register on our website TODAY (https://www.ucamps.org/2011WinterCampRegForm.html). 

Alex, Bald E, and Megan Being Fierce After the Film

Alanna and Emily perform at Winter Camp 2010
Spend a week with your camp family during winter break at the beautiful Camp Sempervirens in the Santa Cruz Mountains!!!!!

Enjoy all the art, friendship and fun of summer while sipping hot cocoa, dancing at the Ho Ho Hoedown and celebrating at our famous New Year's Eve EVE Banquet and Performance Extravaganza. Winter Camp takes place at the perfect time of year. Campers can enjoy the holidays with family, attend camp to celebrate the new year, and still have a few days of winter break before returning to school. 

Registration for Winter Camp ends at NOON on Monday, Dec. 19th, so even if you can't pay the full amount, register NOW to save your spot and email us at info@uCamps.org ! Scholarships in the amounts of $50-$250 are STILL AVAILABLE!!  If you need a little help, especially over the holidays, don't be afraid to ask!

Spaces are filling up fast, so register ASAP to reserve a spot and start the New Year off right!!

Keanu and Bald E @ USC Screening

Winter Camp 2011-- STRONGER TOGETHER!!


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