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Friday, February 4, 2011

Stand-Up with Spaz!!

Spaz Here!

This Winter Camp I had the honor of introducing our VERY FIRST EVER Stand-Up Comedy Workshop!   I am so ecstatic that I got to share my passion with my uCamps family!  Stand up comedy is one of the coolest ways to express yourself because laughter is a language that everyone can understand. Stand up comedy is about relating to other people through humor, about expressing to the world who you are by showing them what you find funny, and chances are, they find it funny too. Like dancing, singing, poetry, acting, film and music, stand up is an art form that brings people together. There’s nothing quite like making a room full of people laugh by telling them a joke you wrote yourself. And if you’re going to give stand up a try, what better place to do it than uCamps?!

The eight very talented campers who attended the workshop @ Winter Camp (True, Way, Dan, Max, Zane, Ryan, Nick, and Zoey) had only 3 days to come up with 1-2 minute routines and they not only did it, they were AMAZING!
Max's Stand-Up @ Winter Camp
Zane's Stand-Up / Improv Rap

The workshop is very casual and very group oriented.  There is never any pressure to perform, but they had so much fun everyone wanted to anyways!!! The first day we talked about the basics of stand up comedy, different types of jokes and how jokes are written, then from there we worked on everyone’s routines together. When performances came, the comedians were a bit nervous but once they stepped out in front of the wonderful uCamps audience it was pure comedic magic! I could not have been prouder of them.

Here is one of MY stand-up comedy routines from earlier this year! If you are interested in learning more, join the "Stand-up Comedy" Facebook Group by clicking HERE & keep your eye out for the Stand-Up Comedy workshop at camp this summer!!

With lots of love and laughter,

Your friend,

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